Why Do Transformational Changes of Museums Matter?

July 1, 2021


Yuha Jung

My new book, Transforming Museum Management, scheduled to be released in July 2021, provides a theory of change for a traditional art museum (and other museums) to transform to be more relevant and inclusive. The book is based on a longitudinal ethnographic study over an eight-year span following one art museum in the Midwestern US to show how changes happen and do not happen and why. An important question arises: Why do we care about museum transformation? Transformational change toward more diversity, inclusivity, and relevance is necessary for many museums as they respond to constantly changing environmental pressures such as ever-changing demographics and their needs. A complex ever-developing issue requires holistic theoretical understanding and application that considers networked relationships and multiple voices of diverse stakeholders. Only then, museums can achieve actual changes, not just incremental, surface-level changes. I will share a series of blog postings to elaborate more on my museum transformation theory.

If you’re interested in exploring more about these ideas and purchasing the book, use the discount code SMA05 (also below) and apply at checkout when you purchase the book here.


I am an associate professor and the director of graduate studies of Arts Administration at the University of Kentucky. I am a devoted educator and researcher who is passionate about studying museums and social and cultural justice issues around the arts and cultural organizations and teaching students about them. I primarily teach financial management 

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