In our research paper (Jung, Schinberg, and Xie 2020) analyzing gender disparity in the field of arts administration, one research question for which we offer exploration is whether there is a difference between male and female authors in citing.
First, our analyses confirmed that male lead authors tend to cite fewer female authors within their work. Second, the analysis found that female authors commonly cite other female authors more than males, especially when a group of female authors writing together as compared to a group of males or a mix of both genders. A more troublesome finding was that both male and female authors cited about 25% of female scholars in their articles, even though the field has almost equal number of male and female scholars publishing.
While there could be numerous explanations for this, several studies (e.g., Maliniak, Powers, and Walter 2013; King et al. 2017) attributed this to the behavior of male authors self citing a lot more than female authors would. Our article explores more reasons for this phenomenon so please see the article for a full discussion of the issue.
Overall, more research is required across all domains to draw significant conclusions on the topic of gender disparity including gender gap in citations. However, if you would like to discuss this further, you can contact Yuha by clicking here.